What's new

TRUexchange and TRUsource versions 5.1.8 include the following enhancements


The transaction email has been extended with a second link for users using the TRUexchange Desktop Client. This second link allows users to initiate the download process with the Desktop Client from the email.


After a new user registers, an email notification goes out to all company admins. This email notification has been enhanced so that the admins can contact the support team for help.


In previous versions, viewing the functionality history of user accounts was only available to support users. In this version, company administrators can now view the history of user accounts in their company.


In order to support the newest version of Java, the Open Web Launch (OWL) extension has been implemented as an alternative to the Java Web Start.

Note: Mac OS is currently not supported.


A dialogue that reads "Please add contact before selecting file" is displayed if the user tries to select the files before they have chosen the recipients.


TFE-connected Community Admin users in TRUcore have the ability to send initial community invitations. In this release, these users can now see the status of all of the invitations or resend invitations.


In this release, the system now generates unique location codes in all cases when a new location is created.


Users can now select the preferred language for pages before log in. The selected language works in sync with the preferred language after logging into the system.


In this release, users are now able to sort Trading Partners by last name.


When a new user is added into a company/location, the system checks the community exclusion flag to determine whether or not to exclude the new user from that particular community. This auto exclusion is now implemented on the company/location level.


The Java Web Start client now restricts users from uploading folders to communities that do not support folder transfer.


The MetaldyneDX product and community are no longer available in TRUcore.


The Subscribe now link for GM TRUsource has been removed from the log in page.


For users using the TRUexchange Desktop Client, a new link has been added to the Receive Transaction email that allows them to download the transaction directly from the TRUexchange Desktop Client.