What's new
TRUexchange and TRUsource versions 5.2.4 include the following enhancements.
reCAPTCHA implementationTRUexchange is protected from bot attacks by using Google reCAPTCHA. The Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply for its use.
Secure encryption for password hashTo enhance the TRUexchange user account security, a more secure encryption model is implemented for password hashing.
Transaction forward notifications to original receiverWhen transactions are forwarded, the GSN owner can configure the email notifications to be sent to the original receivers of the transaction also.
Improved subscription assignment messagingThe subscription assignment message in the invitation process has been updated to provide more clarity.
User phone number not mandatoryUser phone number is now optional in TRUexchange.
Filter transaction reports by email addressesIn the TRUexchange Web Client, transaction reports can now be filtered by email addresses of contacts.
OTP emails mention OTP expiry timeUsers now can see the OTP expiration time in the emails they receive about the OTP.
TRC-5577, TRC-5578, TRC-5579, TRC-5580, TRC-5581, TRC-5582
Color scheme updatesThe following TRUexchange components are rebranded with the new color palette, fonts and corporate logo:
- New UI
- Classic UI
- TRUexchange Desktop Client
- TRUexchange Web Client
- TRUexchange Java Web Start Client
- TRUexchange Java Applet Client
Version number displayed only after loginFor enhanced security, the TRUexchange version number is displayed only after the user logs in to the application.
Filter transaction reports by email addressesIn the TRUexchange Desktop Client, transaction reports can now be filtered by email addresses of contacts.
Corporate logo replacementThe current Rocket logo is replaced with the new brand corporate logo in all clients and TRUexchange Web UI.