What's changed

TRUexchange and TRUsource versions 5.2.5 include the following enhancements.

TRC-5489, TRC-5490, TRC-5491

Increased high availability of TRUexchange services

The following TRUexchange services were upgraded to increase the high availability:

  • TRUexchange Archiving service
  • TRUexchange Subscription service
  • TRUexchange Scheduler service


GSN Emergency trading partners visibility

TRUexchange emergency contacts are now available to all company users when added by the GSN community owner.


TRUexchange time zone refresh

To improve the synchronization process, the Time Zone sync logic was redesigned to utilize the .NET TimeZoneInfo class.


Time counter for MFA OTP

For Multifactor Authentication (MFA), a timer shows the validity of the One Time Password (OTP).


Decommissioned replication related web services

To increase the TRUexchange security and performance, reapplication related web services were removed.


Upgraded to .NET 4.8 for more secure libraries

The .NET libraries were upgraded to version 4.8 for enhanced security and more programmatic capabilities.


Restrict duplications of some transactions sent from Stellantis

Duplication of some transactions from Stellantis is resolved.