What's changed

TRUexchange and TRUsource versions include the following enhancements.


Removal of chat functionality from user interface

The chat functionality, which is no longer used by Rocket Support, has been removed from the Web interface.


Refactoring of payment processing

The status of the subscription was not updated correctly after a successful subscription.

The payment processing logic has been refactored now to return an accurate subscription status.


Help content in HTML format

The Help and Helpful Information links in the user interface now display help content in HTML format.

This enhancement of replacing the PDF files with HTML provides improved search and navigation capabilities.


Old authentication code refactoring

Database calls related to old authentication tokens were removed from TPA API, Web UI, .NET SDK, Java SDK, TRUexchange desktop client, and TRUexchange Web client.


Password hash algorithm update

Support for MD5 password hashing algorithm has been deprecated. To improve security, SHA256 hashing is now used.