What's fixed

TRUexchange and TRUsource versions 5.1.9 include fixes for the following issues


When a user downloads a single file from a TRUexchange transaction that contains multiple files, the status of the all the files is properly updated.


The content of the TRUexchange GSN No Subscription Found email has been improved. This email is sent when a transaction is sent to a user who has not completed GSN registration.


Confirmation messages can now be seen clearly on the TRUexchange Desktop Client Settings page.


Emails sent to a user about resetting of a password now contain the same Reset password link until the user resets the password.


In the classic UI, the OEM: drop-down now lists the available TRUexchange OEM companies.


The TRUexchange GSN active users report now correctly lists the active users and available users.


Users logging in for the first time on the TRUcore platform can now successfully accept the Rocket SaaS Subscription Agreement.


Help information in the correct supported language is now displayed before login to the TRUcore platform.


The Rocket Open Web Launch (OWL) supporting text has now been updated and provides a new link to helpful information.


Users can now change their passwords even if their accounts had been created by a Support user.


For TRUexchange+OFTP type transactions, the TRUexchange new UI displays a Message Shortcut link for viewing the ENGDAT header file.


Before deactivating a user who is a billing contact, another user has to be assigned as the billing contact.


Current billing users can now be replaced with new ones.


The Transaction Activity Time & Status section of a TRUexchange Desktop Client Sent transaction now displays transaction activities of only the selected recipient.


The new version of the TRUexchange Desktop Client can be installed from any of the supported browsers.


Minor issues in the TRUexchange new UI transaction report have been fixed. For example, the correct number of records are displayed for the Start Date: and End Date: filter.


When a TRUexchange transaction initiated from TRUfusion Enterprise contains duplicate file names, an error status is sent back to TRUfusion Enterprise that TRUexchange requires unique file names per transaction.