What's fixed
TRUexchange and TRUsource versions 5.1.8 include fixes for the following issues.
The File Type is no longer a required element of sent metadata. It will be no longer be available to the FCA suppliers for CCX transactions. TRUcore will automatically identify the filetype by the extension of the files.
In previous versions, 6 users were assigned on "879918335". This issue has been resolved, and subscriptions can no longer be assigned to users over the subscription limit.
If a receiver of the public community has no valid subscription, the emails are sent to hosted users and TRUfusion Enterprise users.
The Zip Code field is now only a required field for users who have indicated The United States as their home country. For all other countries, the Zip Code field is not required. This rule has been implemented in all places where the user can Add/Edit their location information.
In previous versions, there was an issue with duplicate Sales Report entries. The issue has been resolved. No more duplicate records will be presented to the user.
If a subscription expires, only the impacted users from the company/location will see the subscription expiration message.
In this release, the latest version of the FCA SDK is supporting the selection of the protocols for files transfer.
The header and the top of the table are now frozen when scrolling down the UI.
The NemakDX product and community have been deactivated and are no longer available.
In previous versions, an incorrect message would be displayed to users on the login page. This issue has been resolved and the proper message is now being presented to the user.
If a user's session expires while on the Transaction Report page, the grey out control is deactivated. In this case, users have access to the alert OK button .
FCA Suppliers can no longer upload folders from clients or the Web UI over the CCX community.
In this version, if a user sends a folder in a transaction, TPA Java SDK is able to decrypt the folder.
The TPA API now provides flags to restrict the uploading of folders to communities that do not supporting folder transfer.
The desktop client now restricts users from uploading folders to communities that do not support folder transfer.
If a recipient is excluded from the community, they will be not shown on the Trading Partner list. If a sender is excluded from the community, this community will not be shown on either the Send page or the Add Contact page drop down lists.
Supplier codes are now visible in the UI and users can now be searched by supplier code.
When customers build the requites for a new OFTP connection, or when support users edit the OFTP connections, it is now possible to upload the file with the specific connection's detail information.
If a filename contains a “+” sign, that file can be downloaded in the desktop client with HTTPS and the other protocols.
Customers can now renew only the license items they want. It is no longer required to select all the items under the same subscription ID.
It is now possible to assign the billing contacts, regardless of the status of the old billing contact.
When a new GSN user (from the company owner of the GSN) is added, the subscription is auto assigned to him.