What's fixed

TRUexchange and TRUsource versions 5.2.2 include fixes for the following issues.


Distinct active users per month notifications for active communities only

GSN distinct active users per month notifications will be sent only for active communities with valid subscriptions.


Registration of new users in locations with CCX

A user will not be provided an option to join a CCX community if the location already has CCX community membership.


TRUexchange Web client pop-up

After a user completes downloading a transaction, no pop-up message is shown when web session is not available.


Rejection of pending registrations

The process of rejecting pending user registrations is now updated. The record in the database is marked Rejected and the comments for rejection are saved.


Special character search on Inbox

Users can search with any special character in the Inbox filter.


Community Join Page not shown

When a user logs in after successful registration, the Join Community page is now shown first since user is not part of any community.


Incorrect subscription value

The total amount of the subscription is now correctly displayed for any subscription on the Extend subscription page.


GSN emails were sent multiple times

The GSN distinct active users per month emails are now sent only once.


Web Client not saving TRUsource responses in correct folders

The TRUexchange Web Client is now saving the RFQ responses correctly in separate folders named <Supplier's company name>.


Send files menu overlap with the header

The Inbox page header is not overlapping the Send Files menu anymore, regardless of the client screen resolution.


Error on Emergency send from TRUfusion Enterprise

Emergency send transactions can now be initiated from TRUfusion Enterprise and completed without issues.


Error sending files with Java Web Start or Web client over community with no encryption

Sending files over communities with no encryption can now be completed using the TRUexchange Web client or Java Web Start without issues.