What's fixed

TRUexchange and TRUsource versions 5.2.1 include fixes for the following issues.


Incorrect error message for missing metadata

An internet connection error was shown if values for mandatory metadata were not provided while sending files using the TRUexchange Desktop Client. This issue is resolved.


Transaction report download or print error

Issues with downloading or printing the Transaction Report from the Classic UI are now resolved.


Inbox and page header overlap

The Send Files menu option was not visible due to overlapping of side menu from Inbox–page header. This issue is now resolved. Send Files menu is visible, regardless of the client screen resolution.


Edit User page buttons misalignment

An issue with the alignment of buttons on the Edit User Details page is now resolved. The buttons are not overlapping anymore, regardless of the client screen resolution.


Create encryption keys pop-up not displayed

First-time users logging in were not prompted to generate encryption keys even if they had not configured the keys. This issue is now resolved and the correct sequence of prompts are observed on logging in.

  1. License agreement acceptance pop-up
  2. Multi-factor authentication pop-up
  3. Welcome pop-up and TRUexchange Web Client installation

Key not found message pop up is now presented to the user only in case user action is requiring the key.


Issue with non-encrypted transactions

Transactions with encryption set to No encryption did not complete correctly. This issue is now resolved.


Issue with non-encrypted TRUexchange GSN emergency transactions

Non-encrypted emergency transactions in communities with community-based encryption keys did not complete correctly. This issue is now resolved.


TRUexchange GSN Emergency transactions allowed for communities with user-based encryption keys

TRUexchange GSN emergency transactions are now available for communities with user-based encryption keys.


Transaction report enhancements

An issue with transaction reports in TRUexchange New UI is fixed. Now the report can be generated with blank start and end dates.


File download error with UDT and TCP Multi-stream protocols

TRUsource administrator can now download files with TRUexchange Web Client using different protocols from a RFQ created from another user from same originator company.


Downloading of transactions sent to unregistered users

Unregistered users can now download emergency transactions by using Java Applet, Java Web Start, and Open Web Launch for communities with no encryption type, as Emergency Transaction Encryption Required cannot be checked.


Incorrect error message for transactions sent to registered and unregistered users

If a user sends a transaction to registered and unregistered users at the same time using the Java Applet, a proper message is now displayed. Previously, 400 Bad Request error was being displayed.


Inappropriate error message with successful transactions sent to registered and unregistered users

TRUexchange GSN owner user can send a transaction to registered and unregistered contacts at the same time using the Java Applet, Java Web Start, and Open Web Launch clients.


Disable multi-factor authentication button shown on Edit User screen

The Disable multi-factor authentication button is not displayed when Rocket Support User adds or removes the Java based check box.


Only the first page of Transaction Report can be downloaded or printed

The entire Transaction Report can now be printed or downloaded from the TRUexchange New UI.


No warning message on deactivation of company, user, or subscription

Whenever a company, user, or subscription is deactivated, a proper message is now shown to the user.


Try another way link needed to be clicked twice

In the Multi-factor Authentication pop-up, the Try another way link is now working properly. Users need not click the link twice to go to the next page.


Java Web Start screen refresh issue on RFQ file download

The page is now auto refreshed when user downloads the RFQ files with Java Web Start client.


TRUexchange Web Client screen refresh issue on download cancellation

If the user cancels the download from the TRUexchange Web Client, the Web UI page is now refreshing properly.